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Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board (AAIB) – Assistant Director, Development Officer, Management Assistant Job Vacancies 2023

March 8, 2023
Government Jobs
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Application deadline : 2023-03-09

Applications are invited, qualified citizens of Sri Lanka for the following vacancies that exist in the Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Bord

Available job vacancies

  1. Assistant Director
  2. Development Officer
  3. Management Assistant

Applications will be closed on 09.03.2023. Further information may be obtained either by accessing the http://gov.lk Website or by calling on Tel No. 011-3484873

Address : – Chairman,Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board No. 117, Subadrarama Road,,Gangodawila,,Nugegoda.

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Job TittlesAssistant Director, Development Officer, Management Assistant
Application deadline2023-03-09
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How to apply Assistant Director Field jobs?

Read the job advertisement carefully and apply as mentioned as you wish.

How Much Assistant Director Job Salary?

The salary and allowances are relevant to the salary category mentioned in the job advertisement. sometimes If there is no mention of it in the job advertisement, it can be known after applying the job vacancy.

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Sri Lanka Government Gazette

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